Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Twin Mischief

The house was rather quiet; no little voices and no sounds clanking hands on the tile floor. I tiptoe to the kitchen but the boys are not there. I check the laundry room but no little people in there either. I head down the hallway into their bedroom assuming that they are playing with their toys. Nope. Not there either. Where, oh where could they be? But then, a faint little giggle.... Where is it coming from?? Somehow they managed to make their way past our bedroom, into our bathroom where they managed to pull Daddy's closet door open. That's right, Houdini's already!
Later that day......Where is the laundry basket?? I had it right here! It couldn't have just grown legs and walked off! Again, I hear little giggles coming from the living room. Somehow, they tag-teamed to drop it on its side and drag it from the bathroom, past the bedroom, down the hallway, around the sofa & into the living room. I even found their little Tonka trucks inside (thanks Barb!).
Camden inside, Cayden smiling
Can you say "Busted!!"


Linda Daman said...

Yep! Those Boerger Boys are real team players! What fun...and pretty clever too..just the beginning of many fun filled days of "hide-n-seek" and "quick-getaways" Keep your camera handy Mom...we don't want to miss a thing!

Kisses and squishes,

Shannon said...

I love this post!! So much fun ... I am so glad everyone is feeling better around your casa!
love you guys!!