Friday, May 23, 2008

One year ago today....

It's hard to believe that one year ago today, I was being flown to Dallas/Plano in an extreme emergency-- I was going into labor with my twin boys at only 24 weeks into my pregnancy. I remember calling Scott and telling him I was being sent to Plano because I was contracting and we couldn't stop it amid the strong and dangerous medications they were giving me. Scott was hoping to make it in time to follow the ambulance, but he was struck with reality as he learned that I was being flown via helicopter.

When I arrived in Plano, I was greeted by a large medical team and was given the statistics of what would happen. I never will forget the feeling in my heart as they spoke of death, complications, developmental problems and more. BUT God is the One who performs miracles (Psalm 77:14). My labor was stopped and I returned home after a week. Do you know the humor side of this? I actually had to be induced at almost 38 weeks because the boys refused to make their appearance! I think back at that time with tears in my eyes. Thanks be to God for our two healthy, 9 month baby boys. What a miracle!

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